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Badania kliniczne Cervex-Brush®

Rekomendacje Cervex-Brush®

Dodatkowe testy diagnostyczne


Badania kliniczne Rovers® Cervex-Brush®

  1. Altermatt H.J., Wyler K.,Fravi R., Liu X., Kraft R., Dreher E.: Cervix cytology: Cervex Brush versus conventional cotton swab. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 1997; 86(24):1029-33.
  2. Depuydt c.E., Benoy I.H., Bailleut E.J., Vandepitte J., Vereecken A.J., Bogers J.J.: Improved endocervical sampling and HPV viral load detection by Cervex-Brush® Combi. Cytopathology 2006, 17:374-381.
  3. Ferris D.G., Berrey M.M., Ellis KE., Petry L.J., Voxnaes J., Beatie R.T.: The optimal technique for obtaining a Papanicolaou smear with the Cervex-Brush. J Fam Pract 1992;34(3):276-80.
  4. Fokke H.E., Salvatore C.M., Schipper M.E.I., Bleker O.P.: The quality of the Pap smear. Eur.J. Gynaec. Oncol. 1992; XIII(5): 445-48.
  5. Goodman A., Hutchinson M.L.: Cell surplus on sampling devices after routine cervical cytologic smears. A study of residual cell populations. J Reprod Med 1996; 41(4):239-41.
  6. Hutchinson M., Fertitta L., Goldbaum B., Hamza M., Vanerian S., Isenstein L.: New sampling devices for detection of abnormal cells in cervical smear preparations.
  7. Jarvi K.: Cervex brush versus vaginal-cervical-endocervical (VCE) triple smear techniques in cervical sampling. Cytopathology. 1997; 8(4):282-8.
  8. Kohlberger P.D., Stani J., Gitsch G., Kieback D.G., Breitenecker G.: Comparative evaluation of seven cell collection divices for cervical smears. Acta Cytol. 1999; 43(6):1023-6.
  9. Kunz J., Rondez R., Yoshizaki C., Fivian M., Held G., Lind B.: Comparison of conventional PAP smears with thin layer specimen (liquid-based PAP test) and correlation with cytopathological findings with HPV status using the hybrid capture system. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 1998; 87(43):1434-40.
  10. Leng F.K.: Pap smears: techniques, interpretation of results and management of abnormal results. Women’s health (6)
  11. Perris D.G., Berrey M.M., Ellis K.E., Petry L.J.,Voxnaes J., Beatie R.T.: The optimal technique for obtaining a Papanicolaou smear with the cervix-brush. J. Fam. Pract. 1992, 34: (3):276-80.
  12. Sparrow M.J., Fauck R., Gupta R.K.: A trial of two methods of taking cervical smears: the Aylesbury spatula plus cytology brush compared to the Cervex broom. N Z Med J. 1997; 110(1052):356-8.
  13. Vooijs G.P.: Endocervical brush device. The Lancet 1989; 784
  14. Waddell C.A., Rollason T.P., Amarilli J.M., Cullimore J., McConkey C.C.: The cervex: an ectocervical brush sampler. Cytopathology 1990;1:171-181.
  15. Wyler K., Fravi R., Altermatt F.J., Burkhardt A., Dreher E.: Cervix-Zytologie: Cervex-Brush versus konventioneller Watterrager. Berro AG 1991.
  16. Yeoh G.P.S., Chan K.W., Lauder I., Lam M.B.: Evaluation of the ThinPrep Papanicolaou test in clinical practice: 6-month study of 16541 cases with histological correlation in 220 cases. HKMJ 1999; 5(3):233-239.


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